Guests in The Pulpit
RememberingAll Souls : 11 November 2018
Armistice Day, 2018
One hundred years after the Great War ended, Dr Harding talks about impressions and lessons from recent visits to war graves on the Western Front and looks at how Christians respond to war.
’I might have been expected to return from my visits to the Western Front an ardent pacifist, but I did not. ... While war is undoubtedly evil, we are living in a fallen world and sometimes it is necessary.’
ServiceOrdination of Brian Kilkelly : 10 June 2018
Preaching during the Ordination Service for Brian Kilkelly, the Bishop emphasises the duty of service incumbent upon the clergy.
The Shepherd KingFeast of Christ the King : 26 November 2017
Visiting to celebrate today’s mass, Archbishop Sir David Moxon – lately the Anglican representative to the Church of Rome – looks at what it means to be the shepherd to God’s flock.
A Jealous GodFeast of the Dedication : 19 November 2017
A visiting preacher – and parish mission partner – considers the ’unpopular’ notion of a God of wrath. And considers how it applies to the present day.
FairnessOrdinary 25 : 24 September 2017
On his first Episcopal visit to a parish Our new Bishop considers this morning’s Gospel reading and just what it means to be fair.
Giving thanksCorpus Christi : 18 June 2017

Visiting us on Corpus Christi, Father James Harding looks at the Eucharist and thanksgiving.
Being SecureOrdinary 18 : 31 July 2016
Our human need for financial security seems at odds with the Christian call to generosity – and when you consider the lilies in the field, why do we bother? Our Visitor explains.
Unsinkable Ships150th Anniversary Celebration : 27 September 2015
As guest celebrant and preacher for our 150th Anniversary Eucharist, Bishop Victoria Matthews, of Christchurch, looks at what really makes things last for 150 years – and longer.
Identity and AllegiancePatronal Festival : 28 June 2015
MP4 download
The guest preacher for our Patronal Festival this year considers who we are and who others think we are.
Easter Rituals NZ-StyleEaster 2 : 12 April 2015
In his final visit during Our Vicar’s absence, Mr Barker considers the insufficiencies of some of our (secular) Easter habits.
Magnificence UnseenEaster Vigil, Holy Saturday : 4 April 2015
In a world with ’...magnificence on every hand...’, we so often fail to see it. What else do we fail to see?
The Greatest Commandment30th Sunday : 26 October 2014
We do make it difficult for ourselves. Mr Barker looks at how we might (or might not) do without endless rules and regulations.
A Taxing Question29th Sunday : 19 October 2014
Faith and witness can be tested in rather subtle ways in the modern world. Are we alert to them? And ready to respond as Christians?
Keeping Secrets28th Sunday : 12 October 2014
A review of the nature of heroes and martyrs and secrets from Isiah to Snowden - and a question for us all.
Global Warming27th Sunday : 5 October 2014
’About 2,700 years ago Isaiah voiced his warning. About 2,000 years ago Jesus did the same. Today Archbishop Desmond adds this voice. If even the Rockefeller Foundation is listening we should be, too.’
Mr Barker skips through the ages and finds eternal wisdom.
The Work of The Church, The Pattern of Saint PeterPatronal Festival : 29 June 2014
The guest preacher at our Patronal Festival considers the good which can come from emulating Saint Peter.
Faith and belief8th Sunday : 2 March 2014
On the day he visited Saint Peter’s for a confirmation service, the Bishop discusses the difference between faith and belief - and the part trust plays.
Saint Peter’s confession
Patronal Festival : 30 JUNE 2013
The guest preacher for our 2013 Patronal Festival, Rev. Jonathan Hicks, considers what the modern Christian can learn from Saint Peter.
Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Dr Harding visited us to preach at our Patronal Festival in 2012. He considers Our Patron’s life and the lessons we can learn from it.
"Let it not, then, be said of us ... ’[Y]ou are lukewarm ..’. Let it be said to us what Jesus said to Peter: ’[O]n this rock I will build my church’"
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